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Eczema Bulletin, Issue #008 - Are Bleach Baths Effective In Eczema Management?
March 01, 2014

Eczema Bulletin, Issue #008 - Are Bleach Baths Effective In Eczema Management?

Welcome to March's edition of the Eczema Bulletin e-zine, and thank you for subscribing.

This is the 8th edition of Eczema Bulletin. It will bring you articles and news about eczema, and also any updates to If you would like to add any suggestions for articles or news, or even add your own then I would love to hear from you

You can contact me here

This month's Eczema Bulletin includes

  • March's Featured Article – Are Bleach Baths Effective In Eczema Management
  • My favourite eczema news article
  • Tip of the Month
  • 5 Ways To.....use coconut oil

Featured Article - Are Bleach Baths Effective In Eczema Management?

Bleach baths have been a source of controversy for a few years. The fact that bleach is used could well be the main reason.

Some doctors recommend bleach baths to patients with severe and reoccurring eczema. This eczema is normally caused by the Staph aureus bacteria, which causes it to become infected.

Antibiotics are normally given to treat infected eczema. It is thought by some that having a bleach bath twice a week can help to treat it too.

The bleach is thought to kill the bacteria, Staph aureus, on the skin. It has been shown that eczema sufferers are much more likely to have the bacteria on their skin, compared to people who do not have eczema.

A study was done a few years ago, involving a group of children with the Staph infection. They were put into two groups. Both groups were given antibiotics to use.

One group were asked to take a bleach bath twice a week. The other group had normal baths.

The study was supposed to last 3 months. But the results were so good that it was cut short. This was to allow all the children to have bleach baths. The group having the bleach baths were shown to have rapidly improving eczema. Their skin improved up to 5 times quicker.

The results seem to show that the bleach baths are very beneficial in the treatment of infected eczema.

It has been stressed that people shouldn’t do it at home themselves, without any guidance. Speak to your doctor or dermatologist before trying it. If done wrong you could do more harm than good, especially on your children.

Eczema News Article

It has been reported that Euro coins contain a high amount of nickel.

Nickel can cause an allergy when it comes into contact with the skin. This can affect many eczema sufferers.

The allergic reaction can be made worse when the coins are in a sweaty palm. The sweat makes the metal corrode, and this releases nickel ions. This causes the redness and itchiness associated with an allergy.

The European Union (EU) has guidelines to say how much nickel released, by an item, can cause an allergy. These Euro coins can release up to 320 times more nickel than these guidelines.

This is an interesting story, and has made me wonder if there are any other currencies that have coins which may cause a nickel allergy. Watch this space.....

Tip Of The Month - Damp Dust Your House

Damp dusting can be made a part of your housework routine that can massively help with eczema and asthma.

If anyone in your house has allergies damp dusting is recommended.

Basically, it is dusting, but using a damp cloth. As the cloth is damp, the dust and dust 'stick' to it. With normal dusting, the dust and dirt tend to just be moved around the room. It becomes airborne, then just lands somewhere else.

It is very simple to do

  • Put a cloth under a running tap, until it is wet. Then wring it out until it is just damp
  • Use the cloth as you would a normal duster
  • When required, either wash the cloth out, or get a new cloth, and start again

This very easy action can help eliminate more dust and dirt, and reduce the affect it has on your eczema and asthma.

Do you have a tip you would like to share? Let me know :)

5 Ways To.......use coconut oil

1. In the bath. Run a warm bath. Pour in some oil. Mix it well with the water. Then have a lovely soak, but for no longer than 20 minutes

2. Apply to the skin. You can use it as a moisturiser. It absorbs well in to the skin. Just rub a small amount evenly into your skin

3. Use in cooking. Coconut oil can be used in many dishes. It is very popular in Indian and Caribbean cooking, and it tasty in desserts. Try Coconut Oil Cooking for some tasty ideas on how to use coconut oil

4. Orally. Buy some virgin coconut oil, cold pressed is recommended. Try taking a teaspoon a day for the first few days. If there are no side effects, then you can gradually increase it to a tablespoon a day

5. Apply to your scalp. Take a little oil and let it melt in your hands. Gently rub into your scalp, and hair if you wish (it may make your hair thicker!). Leave it in for about 15 minutes. Then wash your hair as normal

Keeping Up-To-Date With What is Eczema

For the latest news about eczema, and any updates to What is Eczema you can subscribe to The Eczema Blog.

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The April edition of Eczema Bulletin will include

  • April's Featured Article – You're Never Too Old To Get Eczema
  • My favourite news item of the month
  • Tip of the Month
  • 5 ways to.....swim comfortably with eczema

Hope you enjoyed March's Eczema Bulletin, and thanks for reading


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