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Eczema Bulletin, Issue #018 - Eczema In Pregnancy
January 01, 2015

Eczema Bulletin, Issue #018 - Eczema In Pregnancy

Welcome to January's edition of the Eczema Bulletin e-zine, and thank you for subscribing.

This is the 18th edition of Eczema Bulletin. It will bring you articles and news about eczema, and also any updates to If you would like to add any suggestions for articles or news, or even add your own then I would love to hear from you

You can contact me here

This month's Eczema Bulletin includes

  • January's Featured Article – Eczema In Pregnancy
  • My favourite eczema news article
  • Tip of the Month
  • 5 Ways To.....use apple cider vinegar to manage eczema

Featured Article - Eczema In Pregnancy

Being pregnant should be a lovely experience for the expectant mum. But for some mothers-to-be it can be a difficult nine months.

Eczema can be challenging for any sufferer, but when you are pregnant it can just feel like an added burden.

If you get your first flare up while pregnant, you may be unaware of what may of triggered it. You may also be unsure of what treatment and managing techniques are safe to use while pregnant.

The triggers of an eczema flare up can vary from person to person. You can read about the most common causes, here

In pregnancy, stress can be one of the main causes. Stress can be brought on by tiredness, lack of sleep, weight gain, or even just the worry of becoming a parent.

Luckily there are some good natural ways to relieve stress. Talking about your concerns can be a massive help. Whether its to a friend, a doctor or your midwife.

You can also try yoga, meditation or breathing exercises. All can be beneficial to you and your baby. If you decide to try yoga, then make sure that you are doing a routine designed for pregnancy.

When it comes to treating and managing your eczema, you may feel feel a little concerned about what you can safely use.

First off, the good guys.

  • Emollients. The first recommended treatment. Use regularly and liberally
  • Some antihistamines. Always check with your doctor or midwife before using any antihistamine to help with itchiness
  • Cold Compress. A more natural way to relieve the itching. This is just a damp, soft flannel or towel placed on the affected area. The coldness reduces inflammation, which in turn reduces itching
  • Some topical steroids. Some are generally safe during pregnancy. They definitely only should be used under medical supervision

Some treatments should not be used or recommended during pregnancy.

  • Some topical and oral antibiotics
  • Ciclosporin/ Cyclosporine. An immunosuppressant used for severe eczema. There are concerns that it increases the risk of a premature birth
  • Protopic and Elidel. Topical immunomodulators, that reduce inflammation. They suppress the immune system, so are not used during pregnancy
  • Alitretinoin. Used to treat severe hand eczema. It is completely off limits during pregnancy. It increases the risk of miscarriage and birth defects
  • PUVA light treatment. Both the psoralen and UVA light should be avoided. They can both cause birth defects

If you decide that you want to try a more natural treatment, including herbal or Chinese medicine, always consult your doctor. Sometimes research into how these may affect you or your baby is slightly lacking.

Eczema can become either better or worse in pregnancy. Hormonal changes in the body are quite likely to make the condition worse. But as you can see, there are still some effective ways of dealing with, and managing your eczema, that are safe for you and your baby.

Eczema News Article

Researchers have looked into whether eczema is associated with stunting our growth.

Previous studies have not been able to establish either way. But a new study has said that having eczema does not have any effect on how tall or short you are. The new study looked at 9 previous studies, that included around 260,000 children and teenagers, and 80,000 adults.

A link has been established though. Children with severe eczema who do not get enough sleep, could be at an increased risk of a slower growth.

There were a couple of factors to these findings. The child had less than 4 nights of good sleep, a week. Also the link was only found in children aged 10 or 11 years.

This may suggest that it is not a permanent issue. Researchers say that further studies are needed for more detailed results.

Tip Of The Month - Dealing With Headlice

Headlice can be inconvenient for any family. But when the child is an eczema sufferer it may seem difficult to know how to treat them.

Most head lice treatments contain chemicals that will irritate eczema on the scalp. This can be painful, and make the symptoms worse.

The best way to avoid treatment, is prevention. It is recommended to wet comb your child's hair every couple of weeks. This can help to get rid of the lice before they become adults.

But even the best prevention may still mean that you need to treat head lice One good way to try is to use an emollient ointment. The ointment will kill the lice by smothering them.

If your child already uses an ointment, you can use that. If not, then you can try Diprobase or Epiderm.

  • The best time to do this is just before bed
  • Part your child's hair and apply the ointment to the scalp. Do this all over, from the neck to the forehead, and from ear to ear
  • Place a shower cap over the scalp. This stops the ointment getting over the bedclothes. Then leave on overnight
  • In the morning, wash your child's hair, and comb through
  • Repeat the treatment 7 days later just to ensure that there are no lice left

I would love to hear about any ways that you have used to treat head lice when your child has eczema. You can let me know, here

Do you have a tip you would like to share? Let me know :)

5 Ways To.......use apple cider vinegar to manage eczema

1. As a drink. Add some honey, or mix with your favourite juice. You can drink it as often as you like, although 3 times a day should be plenty. Apple cider vinegar benefits both internally and externally

2. Use on the affected areas. Apply a diluted mixture to the skin. Mix together double the amount of water to vinegar. For example, 200ml of water to 100ml of vinegar. Apply to the skin with a cotton wool ball

3. In the bath. Add 1 or 2 cups of vinegar to your bath. Mix in well. Then have a relaxing soak, but for no longer than 20 minutes. Pat dry and moisturise

4. Use on the scalp. This can help with Seborrhoeic Dermatitis.Dilute the vinegar with water, as in no.2. Slowly massage the mixture into the roots of your hair. Leave it on for one hour, then rinse off

5. As a foot or hand soak. If you suffer from Dyshidrotic Eczema or have outbreaks of eczema on your hands and feet, try an apple cider vinegar soak. Again, use a 2:1 mix of water and vinegar. Half fill a bowl and soak your hands or feet for no longer than 20 minutes. Pat dry, and moisturise well

Keeping Up-To-Date With What is Eczema

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The February edition of Eczema Bulletin will include

  • February's Featured Article – Does Hard Water Affect Eczema
  • My favourite news item of the month
  • Tip of the Month
  • 5 Ways To.....treat ear eczema

Hope you enjoyed January's Eczema Bulletin, and thanks for reading


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